I was going through my pictures and found these "before" pictures of the back yard. Yikes, an improvement don't ya think??
I do not know why I did not take a better closeup picture of the playhouse. Especially my cute red door!
Our yard is not landscaped cute, and we definitely should have put a layer of good soil down, but this is a 50 dollar bag of seed people. Not to shabby I would say, since our yard is not small..

Staining: You go to Home Depot and you stand debating on the color of stain based on the picture on the can. Well I still do that, but I know it won't be ANYTHING like the picture on the can. When I first stained the play house I panicked cause it was pretty close to black. So some things to remember with stain..... Well first don't forget to stir the can. It really always ends up looking good, and just remember staining an outdoor project like this will fade over time. Don't buy into the lacquer stuff that will wick water. Don't do it. It won't last it will peal and be a nightmare to keep up. I just used the minwax brand stain..
Sandbox: If you are debating on a sandbox let me just tell you my thoughts. Do it! I almost changed my mind last minute but I am so glad I didn't! The kids love it and play in it constantly in the summer. I was worried about it becoming a cat litter box. I have a cat and have had no problems. I think it is because I got a really fine sand that need to stay fairly wet or blows away..
I want to make the inside of the playhouse really cute. So maybe there will be some fun playhouse posts this summer!!